Lab 2 & 3 (707)

Lab 02 Due: March 18, 2022 by 14:00 ET

(Note: There are no written questions to turn in for Lab 2.)

Lab 03 Due: April 1, 2022 by 14:00 ET


Lab 02 Goals

Lab 2 & 3 Grading scheme

Lab 2

Competency Points
.Rmd file runs without error 10
Table 1 10
Table 2a 10
Table 2b 5
Table 3 10
Figures 15 (5 points each)
Total 60

Lab 3

Competency Points
.Rmd file runs without error 10
Table 4 5
Table 5 10
Table 6 5
Short answer questions 20 (4 points each)
Total 55

Data and assignment

The assignment and dataset are both available on Sakai


Readings and Resources

Model Forms

Effect Measure Modification

Precision and Validity


The following sections contain the competencies and code that you will need to complete labs 2 and 3.

Tabular analysis (frequency counts)

You will generate the values for tabular analysis using the same code as we used last semester. Please refer to last semester’s lab 1 resource guide for guidance:

Link to 705 lab 1, tabular analysis

Summary of GLM

GLM (or Generalized Linear Models) are a family of modeling methods that can fit linear and non-linear models. They can be classified according to the distribution of the outcome variable (i.e. dependent/response) and the link function, which specifies the relationship between the dependent variable (Y) and a linear combination of covariates (\(\beta_1\)\(\beta_i\)), as summarized below.

Outcome Regression Model Distribution Link(\(g(Y)\)) Form
Continuous linear Normal identity \(Y = \beta_0 + \beta_1X_1...\beta_kX_k\)
Binary linear risk binomial identity \(R = \beta_0 + \beta_1X_1...\beta_kX_k\)
Continuous linear binomial log \(ln(R) = \beta_0 + \beta_1X_1...\beta_kX_k\)
Continuous linear binomial logit \(logit(R) = \beta_0 + \beta_1X_1...\beta_kX_k\)
Continuous linear Poisson log \(ln(Y) = \beta_0 + \beta_1X_1...\beta_kX_k\)

In the table above:

Additional resources:

Here is a PDF of model forms and estimation for linear, log and logit risk models.

Log-linear and Logit models with glm()

Note: this SO question and this stackexchange query are very helpful, and may be of interest to some students.

In 707 Lab 1, you may remember we fit a linear regression model using the sum of squared errors algorithm (SSE). Our code looked like this:

m2_lm <- lm(weight~height, data=regdat)

Well, turns out, we can fit the same model using the glm() function. This will fit the same model but will use a likelihood-based estimation algorithm instead of SSE:

m2_glm <- glm(weight ~ height, data = regdat, family = 'guassian'(link = 'identity'))

You will notice that in order to use the ‘glm’ function, we also have to specify the distribution of the response variable using the family = option and the link function using link =.

For Lab 2, our only response variable is death, which is binary, so our family is going to be "binomial"; however, our link function will differ depending on the measure of effect we want to estimate:

Desired effect measure Link function name
Risk difference link = "identity"
Risk ratio link = "log"
Odds ratio link = "logit"

Note that we will have to exponentiate our regression coefficients for the log and logit models since these models are fit on the log scale; For example, here is a model on the log-linear scale:

# fit model
m3 <- glm(death ~ education_1 + education_2, 
          data = kenya, family = 'binomial'(link = 'log'))

# log-scale coefficients
(Intercept) education_1 education_2 
-1.87180218 -0.07410797 -0.52609310 
# risk ratio-scale coefficients
(Intercept) education_1 education_2 
  0.1538462   0.9285714   0.5909091 

The log-scale coefficient is interpreted as the change in the log-scale change in \(y\) given a one-unit change in \(x\). In the above example, since our model variables are disjoint and therefore binary, we would say that the presence of education_2 (A mother with a post-primary education) would result in a -0.526 reduced risk of death on the log scale.

But once we have exponentiated our coefficients, we can interpret them on the risk ratio scale:

According to our model, the exposure of post-primary education (education_2) has a risk ratio of 0.59 (a 41% decrease in risk) when compared with the reference exposure of No education.

Confidence Limit Difference and Ratios (CLD/CLR)

Confidence Limit Difference (CLD) and Confidence Limit Ratio (CLR) are quick and useful measures of the precision of a parameter estimate and make it easier to compare estimates across studies. For example, two studies may report similar point estimates, but one may have a much wider 95% CI, meaning its value is less precise.

R Commands for models

Generate predicted values from linear models

The predict() functions are useful for computing predicted values based on your model fit. This can generate a vector of predictions based on your data used to fit the model. You can also use data that is separate from the model fitting.

The only requirement is that the newdata column names need to be identical to the variables in your model.

predict() is also useful for manually generating confidence intervals of your fitted/predicted values.

How to use predict.lm()

First, let’s make a model object:

model <- glm(weight ~ height, data = regdat)

Next, use predict.glm() to generate predicted values and their confidence intervals using our model object:

model_predict <- predict.glm(model, interval = "confidence")

We could also join model_predict back to our original data for the purpsoe of plotting a line of best fit with confidence intervals.

We can use cbind() to combine multiple columns of the same length into a single data frame:

regdat <- cbind(regdat, model_predict)
sex age height weight model_predict
f 155 62.3 105.0 104.87070
f 153 63.3 108.0 108.69307
f 161 59.0 92.0 92.25687
f 191 62.5 112.5 105.63518
f 171 62.5 112.0 105.63518
f 185 59.0 104.0 92.25687

Linear Combinations from GLM models

The lincom() function from package {biostat3} can be used to generate point estimates and confidence intervals for any combination of covariable values in the model; these are referred to as contrasts.

Run a model

First, let’s use glm() to run a linear risk model to predict the risk of birth order on death:

m1 <- glm(death ~ bord5, data = kenya, family =binomial(link = "identity"))


Call:  glm(formula = death ~ bord5, family = binomial(link = "identity"), 
    data = kenya)

(Intercept)        bord5  
    0.13699      0.01116  

Degrees of Freedom: 99 Total (i.e. Null);  98 Residual
Null Deviance:      80.99 
Residual Deviance: 80.97    AIC: 84.97

Here is our model equation as defined by the above output:

\[ \begin{eqnarray} R &=& \beta_0 + \beta_1*X \\ death &=& (Intercept) + bord5*X\\ &=& 0.1369863 + 0.0111618*X \end{eqnarray} \]

Predict risk when bord5 == 0

Let’s use the lincom() command to calculate the predicted risk of death for a child with birth order 1 - 4 (bord5 == 0):

lincom(model = m1, specification = "(Intercept) + 0*bord5", level = 0.95)
                       Estimate      2.5 %    97.5 %   Chisq
(Intercept) + 0*bord5 0.1369863 0.05811226 0.2158603 11.5873
(Intercept) + 0*bord5 0.000664037

Notice how we use the specification = argument to construct our linear combination by referring to the variables in our model. Since \(0 * bord5\) will always result in 0, we can simplify our specification even further and achieve the same result:

lincom(model = m1, specification = "(Intercept)", level = 0.95)
             Estimate      2.5 %    97.5 %   Chisq  Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept) 0.1369863 0.05811226 0.2158603 11.5873 0.000664037

Predict risk when bord5 == 1

Now, let’s use lincom() to calculate the predicted risk of death for a child with birth order >= 5 (bord5 == 1):

lincom(model = m1, specification = "(Intercept) + 1*bord5", level = 0.95)
                       Estimate      2.5 %    97.5 %    Chisq
(Intercept) + 1*bord5 0.1481481 0.01415075 0.2821455 4.695652
(Intercept) + 1*bord5 0.03023902

Calculating risk difference (bord5 == 1 vs. bord5 == 0)

Next, we can use lincom() to calculate the risk difference of death for birth order >= 5 vs. 1 - 4.

Here is the model equation for risk difference in this example:

\[ RD = \beta_0 + \beta_1 - \beta_0 \] which reduces to \(RD = \beta_1\).

This means that in the lincom() command, we only need to include our parameter for \(\beta_1\):

lincom(model = m1, specification = "bord5", level = 0.95)
        Estimate      2.5 %    97.5 %      Chisq Pr(>Chisq)
bord5 0.01116185 -0.1443258 0.1666495 0.01979595  0.8881085

Multivariable and logit models

When you are working with log or logit risk models, use the argument eform = TRUE to generate estimates that are already exponentiated.

You may have noticed that the estimates above are quite trivial. If you were paying attention, the estimate when bord5 == 0 was identical to our intercept.

With more complex, multivariable models, the lincom() command becomes very handy!

Nominal, ordinal, and disjoint indicator variables

Categorical variables can be represented as having values 1, 2, 3, …, but one must be careful with such representations. Nominal variables have no inherent ordering (e.g., male = 0, female = 1, intersex = 2) and ordinal variables may be qualitatively ordered but may not have uniform linear spacing (e.g., low = 0, medium = 1, high = 2). Including such variables in models as linear terms means that the model is mis-specified and can lead to erroneous inference because the relationship between the outcome and categorical is assumed to be linear.

What is a disjoint indicator

Disjoint indicator (a.k.a., dummy) variables derived from nominal or ordinal categories removes the linear assumption and allows more flexibility in the shape of the outcome-predictor association.

Disjoint indicator variables are derived from categoricals by generating \(k\) new variables, one for each of the \(k\) levels of the categorical, as illustrated in the table below. You could leave out one of the indicator variables (the reference level), but I prefer to code all levels to allow flexibility in changing the reference level as needed.

Original Coding Original Labels education_0 education_1 education_2
education == 0 no primary school 1 0 0
education == 1 primary school only 0 1 0
education == 2 post-primary education 0 0 1

Example of indicators in a model

Here, we will build a linear risk regression model for education, coded with indicators.

\[ \begin{eqnarray} RD[primary\ vs.\ no\ primary]&=& R_1 - R_0\\ &=& [\beta_0 + 1*\beta_1 + 0*\beta_2] - [\beta_0 + 0*\beta_1 + 0*\beta_2]\\ &=& [\beta_0 + \beta_1] - [\beta_0] = \beta_1 \end{eqnarray} \]

\[ \begin{eqnarray} RD[post\ primary\ vs.\ no\ primary]&=& R_2 - R_0\\ &=& [\beta_0 + 0*\beta_1 + 1*\beta_2] - [\beta_0 + 0*\beta_1 + 0*\beta_2]\\ &=& [\beta_0 + 1* \beta_2] - [\beta_0] = \beta_2 \end{eqnarray} \]

Generate indicator variables in R:

There are at least 3 ways to make or model disjoint indicator variables in R.

Option 1: Manual indicator variables

For Task 2 and 3 in this lab, we would like you to manually construct indicator variables. You can use mutate() and case_when() or ifelse() to create conditional statements that transform your nice categorical variables to a matrix of ones and zeroes. Here is an example of how we would do this using education in our data frame:

kenya <- kenya %>%
        education_0 = ifelse(education == 0, 1, 0),
        education_1 = ifelse(education == 1, 1, 0),
        education_2 = ifelse(education == 2, 1, 0))

This has created three new binary variables, education_0, education_1, and education_2, that each indicate the presence or absence of that specific education level for each individual in the data:

education education_0 education_1 education_2
1 0 1 0
2 0 0 1
0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0
1 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
1 0 1 0

Option 2: fastDummies

For Task 4, feel free to try {fastDummies}. For example, if we want to create disjoint indicator variables for the strata of education by bord5, we might run the following code to create the interaction variable:

kenya <- kenya %>%
  mutate(education_bord5 = interaction(education, bord5))

This has created a new variable, education_bord5, that contains 6 unique categories, one for each of the 6 possible unique combinations of bord5 and education:

bord5 education Interaction Term
0 0 “0.0”
0 1 “0.1”
0 2 “0.2”
1 0 “1.0”
1 1 “1.1”
1 2 “1.2”

Next, we can use dummy_cols() to create the disjoint indicator variables associated with this interaction variable:

kenya <- dummy_cols(kenya, select_columns = "education_bord5")
education_bord5 education_bord5_0.0 education_bord5_1.0 education_bord5_2.0 education_bord5_0.1 education_bord5_1.1 education_bord5_2.1
1.0 0 1 0 0 0 0
2.0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0.0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0.0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1.0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0.0 1 0 0 0 0 0

Since we are also fitting main effect parameters in our model (bord5 and education), any combination of education_bord5 that contains 0 is redundant. Once we construct dummy variables, we will only want to include in our model those dummy variables that do not contain 0.

Option 3: factor()

NOT RECOMMENDED FOR THIS LAB But feel free to use in your own practice in the future (This is what we did in 707 Lab 1).

The functions glm() and lm() automatically treat factor type variables as disjoint indicator variables. So if you have factored the variable, you can simply enter the variable with the ‘lm’ or ‘glm’ commands.

For example, the following two bits of code run the same regression model:

# 1. using factor-type variable for education:
glm(formula = death ~ factor(education), family = binomial(link = "identity"), data = kenya)

# 2. using disjoint indicator variables for education: 
glm(formula = death ~ education_1 + education_2, family = binomial(link = "identity"), data = kenya)

Reference Categories and Factor-type Variables

Remember last semester?

We talked about the importance of setting a “reference” category? That concept applies here too. When doing regressions on disjoint categorical variables, we need a baseline against which we might compare the other levels of that variable.

The lowest level of a factor-type variable is treated as the reference category (in regressions, the intercept or \(\beta_0\))

We can change the reference category of a given factor variable by directly setting the levels when constructing the factor (using levels = c()).

If we need to change the levels of a factor, we can do so with relevel().

Here, we see our current levels of education, in order from 0 to 2:


#> [1] "No primary"   "Primary only" "Post-primary"

Say we wanted to set "Post-primary" as our reference category. We could do that with relevel()

kenya$education1 <- relevel(kenya$education, ref = "Post-primary")


#> [1] "Post-primary" "No primary"   "Primary only"

Plotting risks versus exposures

Refer back to the section on using predict.lm() to generate predictions and confidence intervals, where we generated upper and lower confidence limits from a model along with a model’s predicted values.

Once joined back to your original data, you can use those values to generate a scatter plot of the risks and upper and lower confidence limits, plotted against a predictor variable.

Run a model and predict

Remember that in the section on predict.lm(), we used the following code to run a model, generate predictions and confidence intervals, and then join those values back to our original data:

model <- lm(weight ~ height, data = regdat)

model_predictions <- predict.lm(model, interval = "confidence")

regdat <- cbind(regdat, model_predictions)

Plot predictions

We can use those values to plot our predictions (and their confidence intervals) against the primary predictor variable of interest (in this case, height).

First, let’s just plot our predictions

p1 <- ggplot(data = regdat, aes(x = height, y = fit)) +
  geom_line() +

We can add a confidence interval using the {ggplot2} function geom_ribbon().

p1 + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lwr, ymax = upr), alpha = 0.2, fill = "blue")

The Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT)

In general, the LRT can be used to determine whether a larger model with extra variable(s) fits the data better than a smaller model without the extra variable(s) (e.g., 2 models with and without an interaction term or 2 models with and without age as a term).

Specifically, the LRT statistic tests the null hypothesis that a larger model maximizes the likelihood of the observed data no better than a reduced model that includes fewer covariates.

Critical point – the models must be strictly comparable, so

In this section of the lab, we will use the LRT to determine whether a model that allows effect estimates to vary across covariate strata (heterogeneity) fits the data better than a model that assumes a constant RD, RR or OR (homogeneity or constancy).

Calculate manually

The likelihood ratio test statistic is 2X the difference between the log likelihoods of (the reduced model minus the full model):

\[ \begin{eqnarray} LRT\ Statistic &=& (-2*LogLikelihood(reduced\_model)) - (-2*LogLikelihood(full\_model)) \\ &=& (Deviance(reduced\_model) - (Deviance(full\_model)) \end{eqnarray} \]

The LRT statistic is distributed as a Chi-square with degrees of freedom:

\[ df = k_{full\ model} - k_{reduced\ model} \]

Where k is the number of variables in the model.

Extract log-likelihood from model:

If you’re curious, you can run this calculation in R. To do this, we need to first extract the log likelihood from each of our models.

You can do this with the command logLik():


The output of logLik() can then be plugged into the equation above.

Calculate in R with lrtest()

You can use the lrtest() command from the package {lmtest} to perform a likelihood ratio test comparing the two models.

If they aren’t already stored in the R environment, run your full model and reduced model and assign them a variable name. For example:

lm_reduced <- glm(preterm ~ smoker + pnc, data = kenya, family = "binomial"(link = "identity"))

lm_full <- glm(preterm ~ smoker + pnc + smoker*pnc, data = kenya, family = "binomial"(link = "identity"))

Then perform the likelihood ratio test by plugging both models into the command:

lrtest(lm_reduced, lm_full)

Categorical vs. Continuous Coding

Some exposure variables may be either analyzed as continuous or categorized according to:

The least restrictive way to model continuous variables would be to estimate separate risks for each value (e.g. each year of maternal age). However, this approach would yield highly imprecise estimates and is not recommended.