Lab 0 (705)

Due: Septermber 17, 2021 by the start of your lab section

Note: This lab is not graded (i.e. does not contribute to your course evaluation, so don’t fret)



Lab 0 Goals

By the end of this lab, you will have demonstrated a basic familiarity with the R coding environment and R Markdown files. You will be able to:

Task 1: Establish a workflow

In R, we organize our work by projects. It is best practice to keep no more than one project in any single folder on your computer. First, we should establish the file folders from which we’ll be working. This should always be your first step when beginning an analysis.

Create folders (directories!) and projects to store your work

If you haven’t already, now would be a good time to:

  1. Create a new folder on your computer, calling it “705 Lab”.
  2. Within that folder, create a folder for this lab, called “Lab 0”.
  3. Finally, within that folder, create a folder for your data, called “data”
  4. Save the dataset titled Lab_0_kenya.rds (downloaded from Sakai) into the folder called “data”

Please make this a habit. We will expect you to do this for every lab, as it will keep your work organized and will keep you happy.

Create a New Project in RStudio

Now open RStudio and take a deep breath. Don’t panic. This will all be very familiar in a few short months.

Initiate a new project by going to File and clicking New Project.

Creating a new project Then select Existing Directory and hit Browse. Navigate to the folder titled Lab 0. Open it, then hit Open.

If you’ve done this correctly, your new folder, “Lab 0” should appear in the bottom-right R Studio window pane, under the tab “Files” Likewise, the folder name, “Lab 0” should appear in the upper-right hand corner, indicating the current project’s name.

Task 2: Familiarize yourself with R Markdown

Now, you will open a special kind of document known as “R Markdown”. This is a text editor (like Word or Google Docs), but with a twist. You can implement the instructions you have written in the R programming language directly within the document. That is, you can “run code” directly within the document. This makes data analysis an interactive, iterative (and therefore fun?) process that usually proceeds as follows:

  1. Write some code to generate new variables and perform statistical analysis
  2. Run the code
  3. Observe how your dataset behaved
  4. Take a few notes (for Science)
  5. Tweak code
  6. Repeat

For each lab, we will provide you with a skeleton Markdown file. If you haven’t already, download that file (“lab0_705_fall2021.Rmd”, available at the top of this page) and save it to your folder named “Lab 0”.

Now open the file in RStudio. You can just double-click on it from the file folder. It will appear in the RStudio window pane, but might feel a little pinched. Luckily, RStudio allows Markdowns to pop-out.

Click the white square at the top of the Lab 0 document (circled in red in the photo below) to do just that:


Task 3: Install packages and load libraries

Installing packages

Packages are collections of functions. As we’ll see shortly, we use functions to inspect, manipulate, and analyze our data. They are the verbs of the R language.

There are packages that come built-in with R. These have names like {base}, {utils}, and {stats}.

Since R is open-source, users are able to create their own packages so that other R users can use them. These packages are available in places like the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN for short) and GitHub.

Lucky for us, packages are easily retrieved from the R Console. If you haven’t already, run the following code from the R Console to download the packages that we’ll be needing for this semester. Unless you uninstall R, __*you should only ever have to do this once__*:

install.packages(c("tidyverse", "skimr", "tableone", "epiR", "devtools"))


Load libraries

Unlike installing packages, every time we open a new R session, we need to enable a package’s use in the R environment. To enable R to use a specific package and its functions, we can load them using the library() function.

In a fresh code chunk, call in the {tidyverse} and {skimr} packages using the following code:

Notice that when we install packages, we need to specify their names using quotes because the package name is not yet known to your own copy of RStudio. On the other hand, when we load them into the R environment using library(), R automatically recognizes them as the names of packages, so they don’t require quotations.

Task 4: Load data

You will use the dataset Lab_0_kenya.rds for this lab. You’ve hopefully already saved it to the folder Lab 0 > data. You will use the function readRDS() to import the data file from your computer’s folder.

Since our project has been created within the “Lab 0” folder, it is thus our “Working Directory”, and RStudio will automatically start from that folder when we give it a function that asks it to look in our file directory.

Within our function, all we need to do is specify the file name, and that it’s in the folder called “data”.

Use the following code to load your data into R and give it the name kenya.

When we load our data into R, it becomes what, in R, is called a data frame, which is the R term used for a dataset object. Without going into too much detail, it’s like having a spreadsheet of data with rows (i.e. different individual records) and columns (i.e. variables). For those of you familiar with mathematical terminology, it’s like a matrix.”


If functions are the verbs of the R language, objects are the nouns. Just like nouns, there are many different types of objects, which we will learn about throughout the semester. For now, you just need to understand that an object is anything in your R environment that is able to be explored, transformed, or analyzed by R functions. Objects also have unique names. In the code above, kenya is a data frame object.

To further illustrate, in the chunk of code below, fruit becomes a character vector object of length 3, number becomes a numeric vector object of length 1, and logical becomes a logical vector object of length 1.

You can use class() to inspect an object’s type, and object.size() to inspect an object’s size. We will learn more about vectors in a later assignment.

Most functions require specific types of objects.

The assignment operator (<-)

The <- is called the Assignment Operator. We use it to assign names to objects in our coding environment:

We can use our assignment operator for characters, numbers, logical operators, etc.:

Now that the above values are stored in our environment, we can use them in other functions or operations as predefined variables:

We’ve done the same thing with our dataset, giving it the name kenya. We might use the function head() to view the first six rows in the dataset. This is a quick and easy way to glance at our dataset and its accompanying variables:

Task 5: Explore the data

Familiarize yourself with the data by using the commands ncol(), nrow(), class(), names() and skim().

Similar to head(), we can feed our kenya data frame to various functions that tell us other useful information about it. As a tip, you can use $ in the format [datasetName]$[variableName] to refer to a specific variable/column within a dataset.

Use ncol() to print the number of columns in our data frame

Use nrow() to print the number of rows

Use names() to view each variable’s name.

Use class() to view each variable’s “type”

Use skim() to print summary statistics for each variable in the data frame

Task 6: Create variable mage

Using a pipe (%>%) and the mutate() function, create a new variable, mage for mother’s age (as an integer) at the time of each child’s birth (note – some of these mothers have had multiple children).

This is calculated from variables b3 (month code of child’s birth) and v011 (month code of mother’s birth). The difference between the values of these variables is in months, so divide by 12 to get years. See the data dictionary for a more detailed description of month codes and how to use them. Use as.integer() around your calculation to truncate the calculated values for mage to integers.

For this task, the mutate() function will work with the following syntax.

Pipes (%>%)

One of the most useful tools in the tidyverse package is a little thing called a pipe. It’s represented with the symbol %>%, and allows us to express a series of operations in a continuous string of code, rather than using the assignment operator over and over.

As an example, let’s pretend we have a dataset that is a record of birds struck by aircraft in the United Sates over the past few decades. We want to know the frequency distribution of sky conditions for birds struck over 5,000 feet within the borders of North Carolina.

In base R, we might code it like this:

birds_NC <- subset(birds, state == "NC")

birds_NC <- subset(birds_NC, height > 5000)


With a pipe, %>%, both our code and output becomes more tidy. More importantly, it’s easy to read:

birds %>%
  filter(state == "NC", height > 5000) %>%
  group_by(sky) %>%

The pipe can be interpeted as signifying “and then”. In the above example, the pipe tells the R console to take the dataset birds, and then filter by state and height, and then group by sky, and then count the observations in each group.

Task 7: Frequency distributions of mage

Suppose you want to break down mage into an ordinal categorical variable with three categories. First, we might inspect the frequency distribution (in one-way frequency table) for mage. Do this using table().

table() works by identifying unique values within a variable, and then counts their occurence.

It works on character variables, categorical (factor) variables, and even numbers.

As was mentioned earlier, we can tell R to look at specific variables inside our dataframe with the $ sign. The syntax looks like this:


If we want to include a count of NA values in our table, we can also use the argument useNA = 'always' within table().

Use table() to look at kenya$mage, then consider the following questions:

Task 8: Create variable magec

Using mage, generate a new variable with three categories: “<18”, “18-39”, and “≥ 40”, naming the new variable magec

Set the values for magec to be 0,1,2, where 0 corresponds to the youngest age group (<18).

We recommend you do this in the following steps:

  1. Use a pipe (%>%) and then mutate() to create a new variable, magec,
  2. Within your mutate() command, use case_when() to create a series of conditional statements that assign numbers 0, 1, and 2 to each category
  3. On a new line of code, use factor() to assign labels to each level of your new variable
  4. Finally, once you get it to work, don’t forget to use the assignment operator to save your changes to the kenya data frame.


This function is used to create conditional rules when creating new variables with mutate(). It allows you to create a series of if-then (conditional) statements based on variables within your data. At first, the syntax for case_when() might strike you as a little overly complicated, especially for coding binary variables. But as your variables become more complex, case_when() really shines as a highly efficient way to create new variables on a series of complex conditions.

An example of the syntax is as follows:

case_when(size == 'small' ~ 0, 
          size == 'medium' ~ 1,
          size == 'large' ~ 2,
          TRUE ~ NA)

Here, the tildes represents a formula. To the left of the formula is a logical operation that can evaluate to either TRUE or FALSE

To the right of the tilde, we put the value that we want to return if the logical operation evaluates to TRUE. If it is FALSE or NULL, case_when() behaves by moving on and testing the next conditional statement.

If it were run on a dataset containing a variable called size, the literal translation of the above code would go something like this:

For each row in the dataset,  
    * if `size` equals 'small', then return 0
    * if `size` equals 'medium', then return 1
    * if `size` equals 'large', then return 2
    * if `size` is any other real value, then return `NA`

When we do this within a mutate() function, the returned values get assigned to the new variable for each row of the dataset as they’re evaluated.

The right side of the formula needs to always produce a value of the same variable type, but otherwise you have a high degree of freedom in what can be returned when the conditional statement is TRUE, including mathematical operations on other variables.

See the documentation for case_when() for more examples of this function’s capabilities

Convert a character variable to a factor

Convert a variable to a factor with the following syntax:

Task 9: Cross-tab of mage and magec

Look at a cross-tabulation (two-way table) of mage and magec to ensure that magec was created correctly. Be sure missing values were handled properly (all observations that have a missing value for mage should be assigned the R missing value “NA” for magec). Try the two separate methods for cross-tabulation, as we will be using both for separate purposes later in the semester:

Method 1

Type “?table” in the console for help with how to create a 2x2 table. Note: the order of the variables in the command controls which one is in the rows and which is in the columns. Experiment to make your table readable.

# example code:

table(data$x, data$y, useNA = 'always')

Method 2

We can also use tidyverse functions to accomplish a two-way tabulation of our variables of interest. These functions will become increasingly relevant and useful, and are a big reason why R is such a popular platform for data science. We will use a pipe (%>%), group_by(), another pipe, and count() to get the same output given by table().

# example code:

# notice that we don't want to assign this operation to a name
# we just want to view the output, hence the lack of "data <- "
data %>%
  group_by(x, y) %>%

A translation of the above code to written instructions would go as follows, where and then represents the grammatical equivalent of our pipe, %>%:

“Take dataset, data, and then group_by variable x, and within those groups, group_by variable y, and then count the values in each of our groups.”

Here’s a link if you’re interested in learning more about pipes. Or just take a look at this tweet:

Task 10: Save new dataset

Using function saveRDS(), save the new dataset in the same directory as our original data, using the following format: “firstInitial_YourLastName_lab0.rds”

saveRDS() takes two primary arguments:

Don’t forget the following: